The context
Italian SMEs have so far represented a model of efficiency and flexibility that has enabled them to face the hard challenges of an increasing global competition.
Today the real challenges are represented by the capability to innovate and by the digital transformation. This last involves every department in the enterprise processes (i.e. relationship with suppliers, design and production, sales and after sales, marketing and communication, delivery).
The need to innovate products and services is strictly related to the knowledge of new technologies, the way to gather and manage huge amounts of data, the capability to integrate machines, processes, and people.

What is NExTInnovation®?
NExT Innovation® is the way ComoNexT facilitates the introduction of digital transformation and innovation processes in enterprises, so to let them be competitive and scalable.
ComoNExT Innovation Hub involves more than 120 companies committed to innovation, who usually work to innovate products and processes for their customers.
NExTInnovation® is the exclusive “Innovation Transfer” model developed by ComoNExT. It specifically gathers all the competences available in the Park and thanks to the creation of “variable setting” consultancy groups it offers technology and digital transfer opportunities to companies.

The NExTInnovation® Scope of Action
NExTInnovation® consulting activities are related to the issues of digital transformation and Industry 4.0 (or, as we would like to say Enterprise 4.0). Each area of expertise can be imagined like a daisy petal, accessible by the company that wants to receive ComoNExT’s consulting services.
The petals that make up a Daisy are the central elements of NExTInnovation®, making the “Daisy Model®“.
The four major categories within which the skills of our Innovation HUB are developed are:
IoT technologies, connected machines, sensor networks, both private and public, allow us to collect huge amounts of data that are essential for enterprise growth and to share them with partners, collaborators, suppliers, and customers.
In this skill block are the following petals:
Big Data, Open Data, IoT, M2M, Cloud
Once you have collected the data, you should also know how to analyze and use it to improve productivity, accelerate the creation of new products, and improve relationships with customers and suppliers in order to support business decisions.
In this skill block are the following petals:
Data Analisys, Machine Learning, BOT
For manufacturing companies, of course, it is not enough to just have data, to understand its scope, and the interface of machines; it may also be necessary to switch from digital to the physical development of new products (prototyping), their automatic display, manipulation, and the testing of new materials.
In this skill block are the following petals:
Additive (3D Printing), Robotics, New Materials, Nanotechnologies, Virtual Reality
New digital technologies, besides supporting production, allows is to rethink the enterprise communication with its collaborators, suppliers, customers, and anyone else who is important to its growth.
In this skill block are the following petals:
Digital Media Communication, Customer Experience, Social Media Communication, Virtual Reality
Processes of transformation and change inside the company are not supported only by specific technologies or by targeted interventions on a single process; often it is a matter of rethinking the organization, the business model, the overall protection of the data flow, of reviewing the software for management (ERP) or for production (MES), of bringing portions of their relational business on Mobile Apps or of rethinking the use of energy or the sustainability of the company’s environmental footprint.
Cyber Security, Green Efficiency, App & SW Development, Project Organization & Innovation