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Financial advice
Since its inception in 1996, ACT Operations Research IT srl (ACT OR) is focused to serve a unique core business: to provide innovative solutions built on mathematical and statistical models to support business and dynamic process control decisions. Simulators, optimization systems and forecasting tools are the ACT OR expertise domains. At ACT OR, we accumulated a deep professional experience throughout several engagements from internationally renowned customers, including listed corporations from main European and American financial markets. Our outstanding track record on innovative projects implementation empowers our customers to keep risks and costs at bay. includes technology from reputable players such as Arena of Rockwell, SIMIO. ACT OR has Offices in Italy, UK, US and its network of international partners can support customers in others Countries. ACT OR has a strong footprint and reputation in Research having approximately one third of its revenue coming from European financed research projects and also thanks to the collaboration of 8 distinguished University Professors that represents the Operation Research excellence of the following universities: University Sapienza of Rome, University of Milan and University of Salerno.